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Services for businesses

PEPS – the PAS workplace travel plan

10 000 people come to work in the port area in Strasbourg every day. In 2014, an action plan was drawn up in partnership with the international chamber of commerce (CCI), the grouping of the port’s users (GUP), the ADEME energy agency, the Grand Est administrative region, the DREAL housing authority, the CARSAT social security body, and the City of Strasbourg of Strasbourg with a view to improvingtheir daily commute.

Download the map of cycle tracks

This action plan – ‘PEPS’ – is based on three main types of action:

the construction of cycle tracks and promotion of cycling,
the development of public transport, including alterations to certain bus routes,
the promotion of car-pooling.

The PAS offers services for businesses to accompany their employees as they change their mobility: events on business premises, communication media, and – since 2017 – the free availability of the Optimix platform, , a tool developed by the City of Strasbourg of Strasbourg.<

PEPS is led by the PAS via a network of more than 50 contacts in the major businesses operating in the port area. Click here for more information.Click here for more information.

Please contact us if you would like PEPS to include your business.