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Setting up business

R3flex - strategic connection

At the port in Lauterbourg, a 40-hectare area and new port installations are behind a new brand name for the PAS Group – R3flex.

Lauterbourg is just 40 hours by boat from Rotterdam or Antwerp, and companies such as Dow France, Comptoir Agricole de Hochfelden, Béton Fehr and Eiffage Métal are already established there.

“280 000 tonnes of gravel leave our site by waterway each year. That makes 10 800 fewer lorries on the road – for us, it’s the most economic and environment-friendly solution”, says the Société des Gravières de Lauterbourg.

What makes R3flex different is that its installations are up-to-date and it is multimodal – containers can travel by rail, road or river (the Rhine), since all three modes are present at the port.

R3flex offers developed areas of between 0.5 and 15 hectares available immediately for developing economic activities. Some plots have a direct connection with the water or the port’s rail network (with a marshalling yard nearby). A further 25 hectares could also be developed, on request.

Investment in this new scheme is the result of growing demand in connection with the increase in container traffic in the Strasbourg area. The number of containers handled each year has almost tripled since 2004 – the figure currently exceeds 420 000 TEUs, taking all the modes together.

This new logistics area also meets the need industrial and logistics companies have for space on the strategic axis the Rhine constitutes.

The facilities available to businesses include:

  • one wharf for handling bulk goods,
  • one ro-ro ramp for access to the water, for large-sized packages,
  • one heavy-duty gantry with a lifting capacity of 200 tonnes,
  • one latest-generation container gantry,
  • two railway tracks (400 metres).

The three R’s in the R3flex brand name – Rhine, rail, road – emphasise the port area’s multimodality, a strong competitive advantage for more reliable and flexible logistics.

On the scale of the Upper Rhine, the extension of Lauterbourg’s port currently represents one of the last opportunities for property development alongside the Rhine.

Satellite map

Nouveau : un portique à conteneurs à Lauterbourg

D’une hauteur de 27 mètres sous poutre pour 437 tonnes, il peut manutentionner jusqu’à 29 conteneurs par heure (chaque conteneur peut peser jusqu’à 40 tonnes). C’est le 5e portique à conteneurs fluvial du PAS en intégrant les 4 situés dans la zone strasbourgeoise.

Il prend place dans le prolongement des installations portuaires déjà existantes à Lauterbourg dans la darse du port.

Le nouveau portique à conteneurs représente quant à lui un investissement de 4 millions d’euros.


L’investissement lié au terminal s’élève à 14 M €. Il a pu être réalisé grâce à des cofinancements de l’État à hauteur de 3,072 M€, de la Région Grand Est (497 100 €), du Département du Bas-Rhin (597 100€), de la Communauté de communes Plaine du Rhin (105 000 €) et de l’Union européenne (2 899 000 € – FEDER puis mécanisme d’interconnexion en Europe) qui reconnaît ainsi le rôle stratégique de ce futur terminal dans les corridors européens de transport.

Cet investissement s’inscrit dans une opération d’aménagement globale entamée en 2011 et qui représente un montant total de plus de 30 millions d’Euros pour répondre aux besoins actuels et futurs des entreprises.

Soutiens financiers

Appui à la commercialisation

R3flex concentrates all the skill of the PAS Group in favour of a modern, connected, responsible port area. With its new image, R3flex proclaims loud and clear the economic dynamism of the cross-border region and the quality of its transport installations.

Jean-Louis Jérôme, Director General of the PAS